In the heart of the digital realm, where the extraordinary has become ordinary, where possibility permeates every pixel, a new revelation is emerging: Conspiracy Lady.
Welcome to the crossroads of cryptography and conspiracy, the intersection of innovation and intrigue. Here, we invite you to transcend the boundaries of the known and embark on a journey that threads the needle between the realms of the tangible and the intangible, the actual and the virtual, the revealed and the concealed.
This is not just another Non-Fungible Token (NFT) project. This is a revelation, a digital revolution cloaked in mystery and shrouded in enigma.
It's a tantalizing treasure trove of secret knowledge, a magnetic mystery that pulls you in, making you a part of something bigger, something hidden in plain sight. This manifesto, or whitepaper as some would call it, serves as a beacon, a call to those who dare to question, who dare to challenge the status quo, and who dare to confront the labyrinthine intricacies of our reality. It is an invitation to the curious, the seekers, the rebels, and the pioneers of the digital frontier. Conspiracy Lady is not just an NFT; it's a key, a gateway to the unseen corridors of our world. It's a cryptic codex waiting to be deciphered. It's a testament to the power of collective curiosity and the pursuit of truth in an age of misinformation. This journey is not for the faint of heart.
It is for the brave, the daring, the seekers of truth who are willing to delve into the depths of the digital unknown. The Milady Derivative is more than a token; it's a torch, illuminating the path to hidden truths, to clandestine knowledge, to the underbelly of our shared digital existence. If you find yourself captivated by the unknown, drawn to the shadows that lie just beyond the reach of conventional wisdom, then this manifesto is for you. It is a call to arms for all who dare to see beyond the facade, to peel back the layers of our digital reality, and to delve into the heart of the grand digital conspiracy.
Conspiracy Lady beckons you.
Will you answer the call?


Our mission, as the creators and custodians of Conspiracy Lady, is firmly rooted in a set of beliefs and principles that guide every step of our journey into the labyrinth of hidden realities.
  • Transparency: We believe in the power of open and honest communication. We are committed to transparency in all our actions and decisions, and we will always strive to keep our community informed and engaged. ~77% of mint revenue will be used to sweep remilia assets, keeping ~16% in our Treasury and 7% for the team.
  • Collaboration : We stand for a community that is open, inclusive, and united in our shared pursuit of truth. We understand that our strength lies in our diversity, and that every voice, every perspective, adds richness to our understanding of the world.
  • Curiosity : We encourage a spirit of relentless curiosity and a refusal to accept things at face value. We believe in questioning, exploring, and pushing the boundaries of our knowledge, in order to expose the obscured realities of our digital existence.
  • Courage: We believe that it takes bravery to question the status quo, to confront the unknown, and to challenge established norms. We are fearless in our pursuit of truth, no matter how labyrinthine the path or formidable the challenges.
  • Empowerment: We are committed to leveraging the power of blockchain technology to empower individuals, enabling them to become active seekers and custodians of knowledge. Every Milady holder is not just a passive spectator but a key player in this transformative journey.
  • Respect: We uphold the principle of respect for all individuals and their views. As we journey together into the unknown, we do so with a deep sense of respect for each other and the diverse perspectives we each bring.


Our path towards unearthing hidden realities is paved with essential actions that we, as the custodians of Conspiracy Lady, will embrace. The strength of our initiative lies in the hands of our vibrant community. Therefore, we will devote our efforts to building and nourishing a culture where curiosity, mutual respect, and shared learning are not just encouraged but celebrated. By creating platforms for healthy dialogues and discussions, we aim to foster a sense of unity and common purpose among all Milady holders.
Knowledge is our most powerful tool. As such, our mission includes ensuring that education and knowledge sharing are at the forefront. This commitment will manifest itself through regular virtual seminars, discussions, and workshops designed to deepen understanding of both the underpinning blockchain technology and the obscured realities we strive to unveil.
To keep our NFT relevant and impactful, we will focus on continuous innovation and improvement of Conspiracy Lady. Keeping abreast of technological advancements, we will constantly strive to enhance the functionalities and overall user experience of our NFTs. Integral to our action plan is the unique traits of the Milady Derivative. These traits, soon to be detailed by our design team, will encapsulate the spirit of our mission, embodying our collective quest for knowledge and truth.
More on the dedicated trait section.


  • Ozzy

    Co-Founder,Project Manager

  • DoubleX

    Co-Founder, Marketing Management

  • BallerXBT

    Community Manager, Marketing Management

  • DayTradingDoge

    Product Design

  • Eazy-🅿


  • Machi

    Full-stack Developer

  • Pandybear 🐼


As we stand on the precipice of this digital odyssey, we call upon you, the seekers of truth, the pioneers of the digital frontier, the torchbearers of the new age, to join us. This is your chance to become part of something profound, something transformative; a collective journey towards unveiling obscured realities.

Conspiracy Lady is not merely a token; it is a testament to the power of collective curiosity and the unrelenting pursuit of truth. By becoming a Milady holder, you step into the role of a truth-seeker, an explorer of the digital unknown. Your contribution to this shared voyage is invaluable; your voice is crucial to the uncovering of the layers of our digital world.

Together, we will demystify the hidden corridors of our reality, fueled by the power of blockchain technology and the shared conviction that truth is worth pursuing. This is not just a call to action; it is a call to transformation, a call to enlightenment, a call to revolutionize our perception of the world around us.

So, we ask you: Are you ready to challenge the known? To seek the unknown? To question, to explore, to discover? If you find these questions stirring something within you, then you are already one of us.

We welcome you to the Milady community. Embrace the mystery, seek the truth, and join us in this grand digital conspiracy. The journey begins here, with you, with us, together. Let's illuminate the corridors of our world.